Saturday, July 5, 2008

How to Vaccinate Your Pets Properly

There has been constant reviewing and changing of vaccination protocols that are given by veterinary schools. The shift in our vaccine procedures is a result of various studies over the last few years that show immunity from many vaccines last longer than 12 months (most vaccines are labeled to be administered every 12 months.) As a result, it just doesn't make sense to vaccinate most pets every year with all of the "recommended" vaccines. We should take not instead of the big question, 'how to vaccinate our pets', and make it as a tool in finding out the benefits as well as the disadvantages of vaccines for pets when proper and improper dosage is given.
Actually, this change of protocol was inspired of the fact that there is an increasing occurrence of cancers developing among certain pets that follow repeated injections, (especially those anti-rabies vaccines and feline leukemia vaccines). These types of vaccines are set to have a standard immunization schedule, which was annually. This was just recommended by the vaccine manufacturers based upon testing to fulfill the labeling requirements. And to note, no one really knew how a long one shot would last in a pet. We were just cognizable about the information that it can protect our pets within a year.
Going back to the question above, how often is advisable for pets to be vaccinated? Or how?
Well, holistic vets recommend a differing schedule of vaccinations compared to those that are implemented in the past. It actually depends on whether you want your pets to enjoy longevity of life, or if you want to see them experiencing certain conditions that are results of yearly vaccines.
Obviously, giving yearly vaccinations to pets is not recommended. This way should be more applicable: give only shots or vaccines to pets that are really needed for certain health related issues and as seldom as possible, or as infrequent as possible.
Well, most vets would claim that annual vaccinations are a necessity for your pet's survival. Well, the truth of the matter is, these annual vaccinations are just big consistent income for most veterinary practices. Actually, vaccines just cost little for vets but whenever they sell it to the client, it would cost much. In addition to that, an additional vet fee is given for administering the shot.
Annual vaccines can create big money for vets. To note 'yearly vaccines', so meaning the clients would keep on coming on a regular basis for their pets to be given the annual shot. And that would just mean a regular means of income for the veterinary practice.
Try to look closely; most vets are always changing their opinions when it comes to the kind of vaccine and the method of administering it. This is mainly due to the fact that most vaccines cause certain diseases, and the more a pet is diagnosed or administered with it regularly, the more he becomes prone to certain types of ailments, which is ironically why vaccines are made for.
Now here's a lesson, a vaccine is made to treat and fight back those bad bacteria that may cause certain infections inside the body. But the improper administration of which may just cause your pet's life live lesser and more painful. It is always recommended to ask your vets on what's best for your pets. But as responsible pet owners, it is also our duty to keep them away from harm. A little research on pet vaccines and on how to vaccinate your pets properly would help. After all, you are the owner and you have the right to complain if issues of improper administration may occur.
To learn more about how to vaccinate your pets and the different types of discount pet meds for your dogs, cats, horse, etc., and how to get discount and cheap pet medications, make sure to visit where you will find everything on getting quality yet affordable pet medications as well as tips on how to take care of your pets like the experts.
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Siddhartha said...

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wittyguyftl said...

I am sooo glad Florida has finally aproved the three year rabies vaccine...Helps take the worry of my yorkies being over vaccinated. See there pictures at

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