Monday, August 18, 2008

Family Friendly Lizards

If you are considering getting a pet for your family, there are numerous choices that you could make. Many people choose to get an exotic pet because of their nature and interaction. If you are looking for an exotic pet for your family, getting a type of lizard could be the perfect pet your family.
Lizards can be good pets for those who are looking for a pet with minimal upkeep. There are a few different breeds of exotic lizards that are great as pets in some type of caged environment. Bearded Dragon is one of the good breeds for pets. This type of lizard is one of the friendliest lizards that you could have because it enjoys being held by people. Bearded Dragons are usually quite small in the beginning, but they can grow to be almost 2 feet long by their adult stage. When you are buying a cage for your lizard, you should consider buying a larger one for when they become an adult. Most people choose to buy a glass tank, so you can see your lizard in his natural area. Bearded Dragons are fairly easy to feed because they will eat fruit, leaves, seeds, small mice, and lizards. You should be careful to feed the bearded dragon already killed prey because there is always a chance that the lizard could be hurt by the prey instead of the other way around.
Chameleons are also a popular choice for an exotic pet for your family. Chameleons are usually chosen because of their multi-coloring and ability to change colors to camouflage themselves. This type of lizard usually lives in a leafy area, so it's necessary to provide that same type of environment in the cage you buy for the lizard. Having lots of greenery in their tank allows the chameleon to feel more comfortable in its environment. Chameleons can be one of the easiest lizards to feed because of the simplicity of their diet. Chameleons are carnivores, so an everyday diet of crickets is healthy for them. One of the harder factors to handle with these lizards is that they won't drink from a water dish. Chameleons will only drink water off of leaves. You need to either mist their tank a few times daily, or get a dripping water canister at your local pet shop that will drip water on a few leaves.
These are just two of numerous family friendly lizards that you could possibly have as pets. You should make sure to take your lizard for check ups at your local Phoenix vet clinic.
For more information, contact the Phoenix Vet Clinics at
Joseph Devine
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