Saturday, July 5, 2008

Conventional & Alternative Treatments for Ear Infections

Veterinary Medicine. Diagnosis and treatment methods pursued for pet ear infections may vary based on the factors triggering its manifest or the extent of damage to surrounding tissues. In the practice of veterinary medicine, typical tests conducted leading to diagnosis involves smearing a sample from the pet's ear to determine the type of irritant promoting such an infection.
For pet ear infections triggered by bacteria, veterinary antibiotics are the conventional treatments. Nonetheless, the likelihood of bacterial resistance still prevail and in fact, ear mites (likewise regarded as ear pathogens) are immune to medications such as pyrethins and thiabendazole. If you do not wish to compromise pet ear health to the risks of pathogen resistance--each time a dose of veterinary medicine is administered, know that there are mild and safe but nevertheless potent pet herbal remedies you can use.
Alternative Medicine. The foregoing paragraphs will enumerate a few herbal remedies and supplements you can administer on your pet as alternative treatment. Given their potent medicinal compounds, the following herbs will work to subdue pathogen build-up and aggregately restore unfailing pet ear health.
Marigold (Calendula officinalis). The bio-active, flavonoid compounds of this popular herbal remedy exude antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that are deemed effective in easing out irritated ear canals and consequently healing the infected ear.
Tea Tree Oil. Just like the Marigold, this medicinal oil derived from the therapeutic extracts of the Melaleuca Tree is regarded as an effective antiseptic. Tea Tree Oil may be known powerful in the extermination of foreign irritants and yet it has been observed to be mild enough to induce any severe side effect, as any other veterinary ear treatment would.
Mullein. This is another herbal remedy recognized effective in the treatment of pet ear disorders. Containing flavonoids, Mullein manifests anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that not only relieve irritation but likewise support the functions of the nervous system.
Rosemary. The herb Rosemary promotes circulatory and nervous system health, which are determining factors in the hearing ability of pets.
Herbal Supplements. Standardized pet herbal supplements can also be used as a cheaper and yet effective treatment for pet ear infections. Pet herbal supplements such as Pet Alive Ear Dr are formulated from the antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory compounds of known herbs, and designed to work out a remarkable healing action on your pet's infected ear. There is no quick fix to pet ear disorders and veterinary medicine will always put forth side-effects in its administration, but trust herbal remedies to provide an affordable and yet sustainable solution to pet ear infections. Top that with proper hygiene, a balanced diet, regular exercise and a strong immune system-now this becomes the best preventative to stubborn pet ear infections!
Bruce Maul is a partner in Gold Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed, Herbal Remedies and other health related products. Learn more about Herbal Remedies by visiting
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